

Krugman's Attack on China

Reacting to Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's remarks defending the current valuation of China's yuan relative to the US dollar, Paul Krugman has called for "temporary" 25 percent surcharge on Chinese imports to the US.


CD Review: Until You Come Home

With Until You Come Home, singer-songwriter George Mann is able to offer up not only a strong musical statement on behalf of veterans of our recent wars but also one about his own fallen comrade, Julius Margolin.


Is the Ultra-Right Insane? (They May Just Be!)

There is probably no leftist who has not asked herself after encountering some particularly egregious example of right-wing ideology or behavior, "Are they insane?"


Building a New Peace Movement, an Interview with Judith Le Blanc

There were a lot of lessons that were learned in eight years under the Bush administration, and one of those lessons was that although the movements, the health care movement and the labor movement, the educational reform and the immigrant rights movement, all have very specific agendas and are fighting like hell to mobilize grassroots pressure on the administration and Congress on their separate issues, they do not work in a unified way.

To Socialism! How?

In 1980, on the initiative of Gus Hall, the Party called attention to a differentiation in the ranks of the monopoly capitalists between an ultra right sector and a more moderate sector.


Some Sobering Notes on African American Equality

The fact that institutionalized racism persist in our country is rooted in the historical reality of 250 years of slavery followed, after a brief period of civil war and democratic reconstruction, by over seventy years of Jim Crow terror and state sanctioned racist discrimination.


Health Reform, a Working-class Victory

President Obama's major victory on health reform in March was a defining moment in his presidency.

Communists Advance the Progressive Idea

Proponents of center-left politics in the United States have largely opted to associate their political standpoint more with the label "progressive," rather than "liberal," during the presidency of George W. Bush.