

Accepting Reality: America Lost the War in Iraq

America has lost the war in Iraq. The chance for victory vanished long ago with the hearts, minds, arms, legs and lives of the Iraqi people.

Remembering a Valiant Journalist: Atwar Bahjat

A few weeks ago I learned that a journalist who was one of my colleagues waskidnapped, then, five days later, released unharmed with his driver in Baghdad.

Support Declining for Michigan's Anti-Affirmative Action Ballot Initiative

In a setback for Ward Connerly and his so-called Michigan 'Civil Rights' Initiative (MCRI), a new statewide poll released Thursday shows diminishing support for the initiative among Michigan voters.

Cease hypocrisy on the issue of Human Rights

The 62nd Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights will begin next March 20th in Geneva, coinciding with the broadcasting of new footage of US military torturing Iraqi prisoners.

India-Brazil-South Africa: The Southern Trade Powerhouse Makes its Debut

A trilateral agreement seems like a logical step for countries that are preparing to go beyond merely committing themselves to amplifying their emotional, political and historical relations.

India: Helping the USA’s Diabolic Agenda - II

The USA is preparing to strike Iran. It is preparing to strike Iran like it has struck Iraq 10 years ago through military strikes.

35,000 Okinawans rally against new U.S. base plan

In August 2004, a large U.S. helicopter crashed at Okinawa International University and burned. In order to eradicate such accidents, the U.S. forces must immediately stop flyings over the residential areas located around the base.

Book Roundup # 13: The Red Army, History Of The US Senate And North Korea And Nukes

After reading this review it is difficult to tell which of the two, the author or the reviewer, is more ignorant (a polite word). The title itself is stupid. North Korea doesn’t want to “take on” anyone, let alone the world.

Global Women’s Strike: Struggles and Celebrations

Two unlikely Global Strike partners, Welfare Warriors of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Laborers Voice of Nazareth, Israel united in street actions on March 8 to protest Wisconsin’s welfare program, W2, which took effect in 1997 in Wisconsin, but invaded Israel in August 2005.

Mad cow disease found in U.S.

A cow in Alabama has tested positive for mad cow disease, the Agriculture Department said Monday, confirming the third U.S. case of the brain-wasting ailment.

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