Buy American and the Recovery Program: Now What?
In February 2008, the US Air Force stunned the aerospace industry, many members of Congress, and thousands of Boeing workers in Washington State and Kansas when it awarded its $35 billion contract to build a midair refueling tanker to the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company and Northrop Grumman.

Specter Can Kiss His Job Goodbye
In what amounted to little more than a cowardly flip-flop, Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter (R), yesterday (Mar. 24) announced he would side with big banks and corporations like Citigroup and Wal-Mart against working Americans.

Commentary: Corporate United Front Against EFCA Cracking
Cracks in the corporate front against the Employee Free Choice Act are spreading, according to several recent articles in the typically pro-big business media.
Indentured Servants, Circa 2009
The immigration imbroglio is the gorilla in the room that won't go away. Feeding on this and last years' gigantic job losses and fear of more to come, anti-immigrant anger is exploding across the US.
Tell Founders Equity to Give Workers their Due
Shirley Samayoa worked at the Colibri Group for 27 years, making jewelry and cigarette lighters. Yesterday, as her former employer auctioned off the company's assets, she and twelve of her coworkers and allies sat down to say 'enough is enough.'
Vermont Healthcare Reform Discussion Misses Labor's Voice
Burlington, VT -- Working people's voices were not heard at the Obama Administration's second regional Health Care Summit in Burlington, VT on March 17.
Big Three Look for More Aid, Boost Production Offshore
As poor business decisions and the deepening recession forced the US-based Big Three automakers to seek a financial bailout from the US government totaling $25 billion last year, production in other countries by those car makers outpaced US production.

It's About the Economy: The Employee Free Choice Act, Unions and Working Families
The Employee Free Choice Act was introduced in Congress last week to the delight of the labor movement and to the chagrin of top CEOs of companies like Wal-Mart, government bailout recipients like Citgroup, and a host of pro-big business front groups with dubious names like the Workforce Fairness Institute.
Environmentalists Back Employee Free Choice Act
Washington, D.C.—The Sierra Club today reaffirmed is strong commitment to working for the passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. Sierra Club President Allison Chin spoke at a rally outside the U.S. Capitol.
The Future of Human Beings is What Matters
For me, capitalism has never been an abstract concept. It is a real, concrete part of everyday life. When I was a boy, my family left the rural misery of Brazil's north-east and set off for Sao Paulo.