

Another world is necessary, urgent and possible

The end of the cold war was not the beginning of the peace proclaimed by some and dreamed of by many. The real history has been that of increasing domination by a nation that exerts economic and political pressures without scruples, that claims the right to invade any country in the pursuit of its goals and which is leading the planet down the path to destruction.


Bush's Unspoken Reason to Back Israel's Attack on Lebanon

Condoleeza Rice shocked the world when she rejected calls for an immediate cease-fire after Israel invaded Lebanon. But her stalling may have been to give Israel the time it needed to wind up its bombing campaign against Hezbollah.


Georgia Fights Donzella James E-Voting Lawsuit

Georgia Secretary of State Cathy Cox’s Office has challenged Donzella James’s lawsuit regarding electronic voting in Georgia, Atlanta Progressive News (APN) has learned. James filed the lawsuit after her the so-called election “results” showed US Rep. David Scott (D-GA) beat her in the Democratic Primary.


Chinese President Hu Jintao starts first state visit in Laos

At the end of the meeting, Lao and Chinese governments signed some agreements especially economic and technical cooperation, debt clearance to Laos, providing soft loan by Chinese government to the Lao PDR, and agreement on anti illicit drug trafficking and drug abuse and intoxicated substances.


CITGO-Venezuela Heating Oil Program Makes 1st Delivery this Winter

CITGO Petroleum Corporation, in partnership with Citizens Energy Corporation, made its first delivery of discount heating oil of the 2006-2007 winter season here today.

May I Quote You, Mr. President?

'Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.' -- George W. Bush


One Person's Role in Fighting Global Warming

Driving less frequently, carpooling, and using public transport such as buses and rail can take a big bite out of the greenhouse gases and pollution you are personally responsible for.


A Call for Solidarity with the Iraqi people, Communists and democrats

The American people have spoken, and passed their verdict against the Bush administration. It is (if I may borrow a geological term!) like a tectonic shift (an earthquake) in the political landscape of the US, that could have far-reaching consequences for other parts of the world.


Brief report on the situation in Iraq

The situation in Iraq continues to be critical and complex due to a number of factors, including: the security situation, the weakness of state institutions, growing role of armed militias, deteriorating living conditions and services, and unemployment.


Bangladesh Communists Criticize Boucher's Visit, US as an Enemy of Democracy

The Communist Party of Bangladesh has expressed its serious concern over the recent visit of US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Mr. Richard Boucher.

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