
The UN in Haiti: Part of the problem, not the solution

The police chief during these operations was Léon Charles..So where is Charles today? He is the de facto government's Chief of Security and Arms Procurement at to the Haitian Embassy in Washington D.C. with an annual salary of $150,000... He is also being rewarded for overseeing the massacre of Lavalas supporters during peaceful demonstrations.

Profiting From Disaster: Bush Moves Quickly to Cut Wages in Gulf States

The Bush administration's failure to respond rapidly and adequately to the catastrophe after Hurricane Katrina earned it much deserved criticism. But the administration did respond quickly to requests by its large donors and corporate backers to push on with its ultra-right agenda.

What do Katrina, 9/11 and the War on Iraq have in Common?

Three holocausts in four years with a balance of over 20,000 dead, billions of dollars in allocations for the crusade against terrorism and the failing war effort in Iraq, is what George W. Bush has to show in 57 months as President.

Hell And High Water: Hurricane Katrina Hits US

THE havoc wreaked by Hurricane Katrina last week in the USA’s Gulf of Mexico region, and the response by the US government in terms of preparedness, rescue and relief, has shocked not only the people of the United States but also all other countries who have watched in disbelief as the world’s richest nation was seen floundering in the face of a natural disaster.

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