Stewart Acuff is America’s best-known and foremost labor organizer. He started union organizing in 1982 as the Service Employees International Union organizing coordinator in Texas where he and his team organized 12 nursing homes in two years. In 1985, Stewart Acuff went to Georgia where he founded SEIU Local 1985 and built the union up to 3000 members. In 1990, he became president of the Atlanta AFL-CIO where he organized and led the historic campaign to unionize the 1996 Olympics, labor’s biggest victory ever in the South. In 2000 he went to work for the national AFL-CIO. Stewart Acuff was organizing director from 2001-2008. Under his tenure the labor movement grew by more than it had in a generation. Stewart Acuff developed the policy and legislation which became the Employee Free Choice Act and led the campaign to pass it. Stewart Acuff then worked as Chief of Staff of the Utility Workers Union of America until May, 2012.
This interview takes place on WSHC Radio, at Shepherd University in Shepherdstown, WV, on the Winners and losers Radio program's Labor Beat Show, which broadcasts 7:30 - 9 AM, EST, Thursdays. The hosts are John Case and John Christensen.
Stewart demonstrates the positive and uplifting faith in working people which has been his trademark for decades, and helped make him the most successful labor organizer in recent labor history.