Articles > August 2010
August 2010

GOP Senate Candidate Dino Rossi's Corruption Problems and More
For his shady business dealings and efforts to bypass campaign laws, Republican Senate candidate from Washington state, Dino Rossi, has been listed as one of 12 "crooked candidates" in 2010 by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). According to CREW research, Rossi's relationship with lobbyists David and Richard Ducharme and real estate mogul Michael Mastro deserves investigation.

Clear Choice in Michigan Gov. Race: Snyder the Outsourcer vs. Bernero the Fighter
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Labor Launches Campaign to Mobilize Unemployed Voters
Original source: Working America Working America Unveils Campaign to Organize & Mobilize Unemployed Voters August 18, 2010 (Washington, DC, Aug. 18) Working America is launching a campaign that will organize & mobilize hundreds of thousands of unemployed workers across the nation for the November elections.
Labor Leads Fight to Stop GOP on Nov. 2
Remarks by AFL-CIO President Richard L. Trumka, Battleground States Conference, Washington, DC August 03, 2010 Thanks for coming to D.C. I'm excited to see you, because I know you're getting fired up to go all out.

Once I built a railroad, now it’s done, …buddy, can you spare a dime?
This is now being called the Great Recession.