Britain: ‘Speech Covers up New Labour's Failures’ say Communists


11-28-06, 9:40 a.m.

The Queen’s Speech may have promised action to provide ‘strong, secure and stable communities’, but its proposals to attack civil liberties and privatising public services will do exactly the opposite, Emily Mann told the Communist Party of Britain’s executive committee last month

'The emphasis on crime and security serves to distract people's attention from all the things the Labour government has failed to deliver such as full and fair employment. decent education and healthcare services, efficient public transport and more harmonious community relations. Instead, New Labour and the gutter press continue to demonise Muslims and young people', she declared.

'How much use to our pensioners is free bus travel on bus services which have been decimated by 20 years of privatisation - and how exactly will the welfare reform bill bring security to the sick and disabled by slashing their benefits and forcing them into unsuitable work?' Ms Mann demanded.

Perhaps the most contradictory part of the Queen's speech, Ms Mann pointed out, was the claim that Britain would work with the UN to 'prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction' while remaining completely silent of plans to introduce a new generation of nuclear weapons.

'There is an alternative', she said, 'but it is not Gordon Brown, who supports war, privatisation, 90 days internment and a new generation of nuclear weapons'.

'Rather, the people of Britain need a left-wing programme for public ownership and controls on big business to save the planet, progressive taxation, the repeal of anti-trade union laws and an end to imperialist wars', Ms Mann said, 'which is pretty much the programme being put forward by John McDonnell MP as a contender for the Labour leadership'.

The Communist Party executive committee supported CND in its demand for a full debate on the replacement of Trident before any decision is made.

In the light of the ongoing 'disaster' in Iraq and Afghanistan, Britain's Communists also backed the Stop the War Coalition in calling once more for the immediate withdrawal of British occupation forces.

The CPB welcomed the latest UN resolution condemning recent Israeli massacres of Palestinians and calling on Israel to end its attacks on the Gaza Strip, and demanded that Israel, Britain and the US uphold international law as the first step to achieving peace in the Middle East.

From Communist Party of Britain