Articles > January

People of Watsonville 4 – Migrant Education at Ohlone School
Migrant Education is a product of the civil rights and farm worker movements of the 1960s.
Japan: 2011 Spring Union Struggles Begin
Original source: Japan Press Weekly

America's Choices: Why the Conventional Wisdom Is Wrong
Good morning and thank you. I'm honored to stand beside firefighter Stan Trojanowski, who responded to a 9-1-1 call from the World Trade Center moments after the terrorist attacks in 2001.
Solidarity Forever: Labor Takes on the Right
Editor's note: The folowing is excerpted from a speech delivered this week by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka to national delegates meeting of the United Autoworkers.

Republicans Want to Repeal Your Healthcare
A Republican Party attempt to repeal health reform would put as many as 129 million Americans in jeopardy of being denied health insurance coverage, says a new report from the Department of Health and Human Services.
Japan: Unionized, Young Workers Fight for their Rights
Original source: Japan Press WeeklyYoung workers, who had never thought about joining a labor union, founded their own union at a small factory in Ozu City, Ehime Prefecture.
French Sugar Company Violates Human Rights Standards
Sugar and starch TNC Roquette in the dock at the OECD
How the P'urhépechas Came to the Coachella Valley
Original source: New American Media
Managed Labor or Human Rights?
Original source:
Podcast: Defend Public Workers from Republican Attacks
This episode is the second in a series on the Communist Party's analysis of the 2010 election and its outline of the new areas of political struggle and organizing, with a special emphasis on the need to defend public workers and labor unions from GOP attacks.