Peace Dividend

Peace Dividend

11/9: When the "Evil Empire"

Ended, warlords swore

There would be a 

"Peace Dividend," but

Did it end... Did it end...
Did it end... Did it end...
Did it end... Did it end...

Cold war with old war?

Did it end... Did it end...
Did it end... Did it end...
Did it end... Did it end...

Enemy of the month,

Threat of the week,

Operation of the day,

War around the world,

War around the clock—

War for evermore?

Did it end... Did it end...
Did it end... Did it end...
Did it end... Did it end...

Surges of war profiteers

Soliciting no-bid contracts,

Like packs of pedophile 

Priests, volunteering for

Blacked-out Boys Clubs?

Did it end... Did it end...
Did it end... Did it end...
Did it end... Did it end...

Hearings to hear lies

Looped like capitalist

Politicians' promises, with

Pharmaceutical side effects—

Hearings asking questions

Answered already by bloody,

Broken, bodies of babies, their 

Farmer fathers, mothers, their

Grandmothers, grandfathers and 

Neighbors, all commodified as 

Collateral damage?

Did it end... Did it end...
Did it end... Did it end...
Did it end... Did it end...

Eternal terms of Strom Thurmond and

Scoop Jackson—the Senator from Boeing—

Disguised as Di-Fi down to her New York

Stock Exchange ticker, wig concealing 

Her warhead, fresh fragrance of death, 

Plutonium breath, from a mouth moving

Like other GE, General Dynamics, Northrup-

Grummond-Lockheed-Martin marionettes

Over-populating capitalist hill—

Pushing up shares on the NASDAQ?...

11/9: When the "Evil Empire"

Ended, warlords swore

There would be a 

"Peace Dividend," but

Did it end... Did it end...
Did it end... Did it end...
Did it end... Did it end?...

Raymond Nat Turner (c)  2013 All Rights Reserved

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