Book Review – Darker Nations
The strange logic of western political discourse consists of paradigms such as the following: the 'Third World' is named as such by the 'First World' because it somehow inherently inferior and developmentally backwards compared to the 'First World,' even though its shortcomings are largely due to exploitative, extractive 'First World' economic policies.
Oil companies pump profits: governments sit by and watch
The price of crude oil more than doubled in 12 months and more than quadrupled in five yeas since May 2003. The big oil corporations empty people’s pockets and pump out record profits, while the government sits by and says there is little else it can do.
Brazil Spearheads UNASUR Defense Council, but Colombia Withdraws
Member states of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) signed a pact on Friday, May 23 in Brasília to establish judicial and political components for the emerging, limited union. On the docket was a plan to create a military coordinating component of UNASUR, the Conselho Sul-Americano de Defesa (CSD).
La crisis economica hoy: Entrevista con Douglas Henwood
Pero si yo tuviera que resumirlo y proyectar un escenario, creo que nos enfrentamos a varios años con una economía muy débil y temblorosa que para mucha gente equivaldrá a una recesión prolongada, aunque no lo será formalmente.

The 'R' Word: An Interview with Doug Henwood on the Economy
If I had to put it all together and lay out a scenario, I think we are facing years of a very weak and stumbling economy that will feel to many people like an extended recession, even if it is not formally one.
Nazis Under the Wing of Operation Condor
Investigators and researchers have long shown operational connections between exiled Nazis and US intelligence services who collaborated to target progressive movements in Latin American, reports the Cuban News Agency.

Financial Crisis and Class Struggle
Marxists and non-Marxist economists have predicted the current financial crisis for some time. Its conditions have been in operation since the acceleration of the deregulation processes in the monetary and financial markets.
Migrant Workers in a Globalized Economy
Globalization has created a situation which generated a worldwide phenomenon of migration of millions of workers to other countries. Finance capital’s thrust for cheap labor to bring down the cost of production in an environment of cut throat competition has given a powerful impetus to the phenomenon of migration of labor both within as well as outside the country.
Are We Losing Winter?
The effects of global warming manifest themselves differently in different locations, and winter is no doubt getting shorter and warmer across New England, the Canadian Maritimes and Northern Europe.
Reality Check
Sooner rather than later, we must all take a deep look into ourselves, evaluate those values which were indoctrinated into us from very early age, through our faiths, religions, education and social interaction.