Working Families Face Growing Income Instability
An increasing number of working families are 'being swamped by a rising tide of income instability,' says a new report released by labor-backed think-tank Economic Policy Institute this week.
Building its Ties to Colombia: Canada's Imperial Adventure in the Andes
On May 5th, 2008 Canada's Trade Minister, David Emerson, proudly declared that Canada is 'very close' to concluding free trade negotiations with Colombia.
Bush Distorts World War II History
George W. Bush may not be much of a president but his latest comments comparing his Iraq war to World War II indicate he is even less of a historian.
Buffalo Policewoman Fired
During the first week of this month there was good news and bad news. The good news is Cariol Horne's gag-order was lifted. The bad news: she was found guilty of nine of the 11 charges and was subsequently fired a few days later by Buffalo Police Chief H. McCarthy Gipson.
La crisis economica hoy: Entrevista con Douglas Henwood
Pero si yo tuviera que resumirlo y proyectar un escenario, creo que nos enfrentamos a varios años con una economía muy débil y temblorosa que para mucha gente equivaldrá a una recesión prolongada, aunque no lo será formalmente.

The 'R' Word: An Interview with Doug Henwood on the Economy
If I had to put it all together and lay out a scenario, I think we are facing years of a very weak and stumbling economy that will feel to many people like an extended recession, even if it is not formally one.

Surge Against the Occupation
General Petraeus painted a rosy picture when he went back to Congress in early April requesting more cash and presenting a plan to extend the occupation. Petraeus recommended a “pause” in the withdrawal of “surge” troops mandated for this year, despite claims of “success.”

New Times, New Opportunities
The political upsurge ricocheting across the country has no counterpart in recent decades. Its breadth and depth are remarkable. Its politics are progressive. It is framing the nation’s political conversation. It rejects the old racist and sexist stereotypes.
Missouri: Anti-Affirmative Action Petition Defeated
Missourians accomplished something this month no other state has when faced with a similar challenge. The people of the 'show me' state scored a major victory May 4th when a campaign led by California millionaire Ward Connerly failed to deliver the required number of signatures to get an initiative on the November ballot that would have banned affirmative action.
Are We Losing Winter?
The effects of global warming manifest themselves differently in different locations, and winter is no doubt getting shorter and warmer across New England, the Canadian Maritimes and Northern Europe.