

Global Warming and Human Illness

Researchers believe that global warming is already responsible for some 150,000 deaths each year around the world, and fear that the number may well double by 2030 even if we start getting serious about emissions reductions today.

Cuba and Vietnam Strengthen Commercial Bonds

HAVANA, Cuba, May 9 (acn) Cuba and Vietnam signed in this capital an agreement that allows the Caribbean nation to acquire 5,120,000 polypropylene bags to pack sugar.

Workers, Healthcare & Environment Top Obama Budget Priorities

After a stunning victory in Congress to pass his budget priorities last month, President Obama unveiled the details of his 2010 budget this week.

In the Name of Womanhood and Humanity

Imagine that tomorrow you begin to feel ill and rush to the hospital where you are eventually diagnosed with a horribly debilitating and probably incurable disease.

Graham & McCain Ignore Geneva Convention Requirements About Prisoners

Muddled thinking characterizes a May 6 Wall Street Journal column by Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain about those confined in American-run prisons abroad.

Atlanta: MARTA Riders, Advocates Ask State for Lifeline

(APN) ATLANTA – A coalition of transit riders, workers, and advocates called on Georgia lawmakers, Wednesday, May 06, 2009, to send financial help to MARTA so the struggling agency does not have to make drastic service cuts later this year.

Obama Launches Renewable Fuels Programs

President Obama took two major steps this week to expand the use of renewable energy sources. First, he ordered the creation of a new administration 'biofuels working group.'


Bulb Replacement Brings Significant Energy Savings for Cuba

HAVANA, Cuba, May 6 (acn) Power consumption in Cuba has dropped by
141,000 kilowatt hours a year since 2007 as a result of the replacement of fluorescents lamps in the working sector, as part of the Lighting Efficiency Program.


Iraq and Afghanistan War Vets Back Climate Change Bill

Why have veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan become leading advocates for climate and energy legislation advocated by the Obama administration?

Stanford Anti-War Alumni, Students Call for Condi War Crimes Probe

During the Vietnam War, Stanford students succeeded in banning secret military research from campus. Last weekend, 150 activist alumni and present Stanford students targeted Condoleezza Rice for authorizing torture and misleading Americans into the illegal Iraq War.

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