

Wall Street Bailout is Massive Transfer Payment to Rich

Last autumn (in 2008) we witnessed the owners of wealth change their tune from laissez faire capitalism to one of unprecedented government intervention in our financial system.


The Environmental Impacts of Tennessee's December 2008 Coal Ash Spill

President Obama has pledged to undertake a comprehensive inventory of liquid coal ash waste and propose new regulations to ensure its safe disposal.

Stealing Fire From Carl Davidson' 11 Talking Points for Socialism: Case's 9 Talking Points

Some of socialism’s fundamental building blocks are already present in US society. The means of production, for the most part, are sufficiently developed to support, in forseeable time – the next ten years – a workforce where at least two years of college, or equivalent, is available to every worker.

Obama, Reform and the Role of the Left

After the first, perhaps over analyzed, hundred days of the Obama administration, it is fair to say that President Obama is a reformer and we are entering an era of reforms, possibly radical reforms.

Bernie Madoff: Scapegoat

Elie Wiesel called him a 'God.' His investors called him a 'genius.' But, proving correct that old adage from the country and western song, you never really know what goes on behind closed doors.

Veterans Push for Employee Free Choice

Yesterday [April 30] in Norfolk, Va., union veterans held the first event of what will be a nationwide campaign for the Employee Free Choice Act, uniting union and nonunion veterans from across the country in support of the freedom to form unions and bargain.

How “The NAFTA Flu” Exploded

US and Mexico authorities claim that neither knew about the “swine flu” outbreak until April 24. But after hundreds of residents of a town in Veracruz, Mexico, came down with its symptoms, the story had already hit the Mexican national press by April 5.


The People's Movement at 100 Days

The concept of examining a new presidency at the end of its first 100 days began with the first term of the Franklin D. Roosevelt presidency.


The Family as Aesthetic State Apparatus

When it comes to rational 'scientific discourse' art is a language that is often excluded from the mainstream logos in a similar way to the 'feminine,' it being instead also associated with madness ('hysteria').


Healthy Hospitals: Reforming the System in the Middle of the Financial Crisis

By boldly targeting the 'special interests' opposition to many of his proposed programs, the Obama administration makes these changes possible. The special corporate interests in the health care industry, for example, must also be confronted.

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