Protest against the So-called Anti Missile Shield in Poland


12-03-05, 8:45 am

Protest of the Communist Party of Poland against the Acceptance on Locating in Poland So-called Anti Missile Shield Declared by the Polish Government (slightly edited for clarity)

The Communist Party of Poland expresses decided protest against plans of building on territory of our country missile launchers being a part of Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) promoted by the US authorities. Creation of this system is aimed on strengthening position of the United States in the military sphere. The US gains superiority over the potential enemy and possibility of attacking with minimal effect of response.

We underline the fact that the US, which are the biggest world producer and owner of the weapons of mass destruction conduct more and more aggressive policy and start tensions in international relations. By introducing 'prevention war' doctrine and label in arrogant way their political opponents 'rouge states,' the American war machine creates growing threat to world peace.
Spreading propaganda about unexpected missile attack by countries such as Iran, Syria, People's Democratic Republic of Korea is groundless. Treating Poland as potential target of such an attack is just ridiculous.

Polish involvement in an anti-missile shield will cause tensions in relations with all neighbouring countries, especially Russia and growing sense of danger in this country. In case of a military conflict between the US with another power military installations on Polish territory will become a target. Participating in a BMD project will also mean establishing US military bases and one' sided agreements limiting polish sovereignty.

Such gesture of servility is aspect of highest ignoring of requirements of conduct of peaceful policy of present polish government, confirmation of lack of responsibility for the future of our country and also next generations.

By expressing our protest against establishing the anti missile launchers, we fight for the security of the inhabitants of our country and all of humanity, against pushing Poland into new military adventures in the name of the interests of US capitalism, as has already taken place in the case of the occupation of Iraq.

--Central Committee of the Communist Party of Poland 22.11.2005