Raising Latino Voice of Opposition to the War in Iraq

2-26-06, 9:10 am

Objective: A 241 mile march that aims at ensuring that the Latino voice of opposition to the War is heard loud and clear across the Americas.

WHAT/ WHEN: Fernando Suarez del Solar, Pablo Paredes, Camilo Mejia and Aidan Delgado will lead a coalition of the willing across this 241 mile quest for peace starting in Tijuana, Mexico, going through Marine Corps Depot Camp Pendleton to the Cesar Chavez burial site in La Paz, CA, culminating in The Mission district of San Francisco with a memorial ceremony and blood drive. The March will begin on 12 March 2006. The coalition of the willing will arrive at La Paz, CA on 22 March 2006 and culminate in San Francisco from 26 March 2006 to 27 March 2006.

WHY: Latinos represent nearly 15% of the US population and 11% of the US military, with many serving in combat or hazardous duty occupations. In addition, an estimated 20% of the fallen service members in the early months of the invasion were Latino. With the continued growth of the Latino population and its vital importance to the future of this country, it is time for the Latino community to become an active and vocal part of the 60%+ of US citizens that oppose this War. It is also time to show the Latino community that they have a voice and a right to fight for peace and stability. Fernando Suarez Del Solar is committed to self-sacrifice. At 50 years of age he cares more about ending this war than even his own health. We make this call not only to the Latino population but to all those who agree with our message 'No more bloodshed in Iraq'. About the Route and Structure

Why 241 miles? Last Year was the 75th anniversary of Gandhi's Salt March, one of the most impactful non-violent acts of protest and civil disobedience in pursuit of social justice in history. Gandhi marched 241 miles to free India from British imperialism. This legacy has been vibrant in all Latino Social Justice movements. Cesar Chavez was a disciple of Gandhi. We wish to rekindle this tradition and one year after the 75th , we wish to put Gandhi's spirit into practice rather than wait for the next milestone to honor his memory.

About the march leaders: Fernando Suarez Del Solar Is the father of one of the first Latinos to die in Iraq. He was lied to about his son's death, but found the truth in Iraq with the help of a well know recent victim of the war, co-anchor of ABC's World News Tonight, Bob Woodruff. Fernando's son Jesus stepped on an illegal US cluster bomb. Since then Fernando is a tireless advocate for peace. Pablo Paredes Navy war resister who refused boarding an Iraq bound ship on Dec. 6th 2004. He was court martialed, sentenced and now speaks out for Peace. Camilo Mejia Served one tour in Iraq and then became a National Guard war resister. He was jailed for nine months for his opposition to the war and is now a prominent anti-war speaker and member of Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW). Aidan Delgado Is a Conscientious Objector of the Iraq war. He served at Abu Gharib and now tours the country with slide shows of the prison abuses. Jesus Suarez Del Solar Fernando's son Jesus was born in Tijuana, Mexico in November of 1982. He was educated at PS 44 and in 1995 came to the United States, with dreams of joining the Marines. He realized his dream in 2001 well before 911. Jesus deployed to Iraq from MCD Camp Pendleton in February of 2003, with dreams of liberating the children of Iraq. Seven days into the invasion of Iraq, on the 27th of March 2003, Jesus stepped on an illegal US cluster bomb. Jesus died shortly after. About the march route: Tijuana The march from Tijuana across the US-Mexico Border is a symbolic gesture of Peace without borders. As Jesus Suarez del Solar was born and educated in this beautiful city, our march will also be born in Tijuana, and we also wish that our gesture serves to educate around border issues and peace. Escondido Escondido is the city in which Jesus was recruited and today is buried. We wish to trace Jesus' steps and then continue his fight for the children of Iraq and America in the name of peace rather than war. Pendleton Marine Corps Depot Camp Pendleton is the place where Jesus and many of our youth are trained for war. Jesus deployed from Pendleton to Iraq. We wish to rewrite history with our march and deploy our soldiers from MCD Camp Pendleton to La Paz. La Paz La Paz translates to The Peace, and is the burial site of Cesar Chavez. We wish to evoke his legacy and lead our coalition to peace. San Francisco San Francisco's Mission district is predominantly Latino. We will hold a service in the mission to commemorate Jesus. We will also stage a blood drive. The blood donated will be equally distributed to cope with Iraqi as well as coalition needs.

The March will arrive in all the following cities: Tijuana, San Diego, Escondido, Camp Pendleton, Santa Ana, Los Angeles, San Fernando, Palmdale, Rosamond, Keene (La Paz), Fresno, San Jose, and San Francisco.



Jorge Morales Almada20 de febrero de 2006

Para asegurar que la voz latina se escuche una vez mas en oposicion a la guerra en Irak, Fernando Suarez del Solar y tres jovenes ex militares de origen latino emprenderan una caminata de 241 millas. Sera una marcha por diversas ciudades que dara inicio el 12 de marzo en Tijuana, Mexico, y pretende concluir el 26 y 27 de marzo en San Francisco, California. Suarez del Solar, padre de uno de los primeros soldados latinos muertos en Irak, comento que la comunidad latina en Estados Unidos ha sido afectada profundamente por la guerra. 'Ahora deseamos tomar nuestro merecido lugar dentro del movimiento amplio por la paz', dijo. 'Tras tres anos de guerra, queremos alzar nuestras voces unidas con la mayoria del pais que cree que la guerra en Irak no vale la pena'. A sus 50 anos de edad, Suarez del Solar ha decidido tomar esta medida, a pesar de su estado de salud, para dar un paso mas en la protesta generalizada en contra de la guerra en Irak. La ruta incluye una manifestacion en la base militar de Camp Pendleton, y paradas en San Diego, Escondido, Santa Ana, Los Angeles, San Fernando, Palmdale, Rosamond, Keene (donde esta enterrado el lider campesino Cesar Chavez), Fresno, San Jose y Watsonville.

Junto con el esta programado que caminen Camilo Mejia, Pablo Paredes y Aiden Delgado. Mejia estuvo en el frente de batalla como miembro de la Guardia Nacional, pero luego de un corto receso en Estados Unidos, se nego a regresar a Irak, por lo que fue encarcelado durante nueve meses por oponerse a la guerra y ahora forma parte de Veteranos de Irak en contra de la Guerra (IVAW). Paredes era miembro de las fuerzas navales y se nego embarcar el buque de guerra que iba a Irak con mas de dos mil combatientes a bordo. Por esa desobediencia lo procesaron y sentenciaron militarmente. Actualmente se dedica a promover la paz en Irak. Delgado fue testigo de los abusos y torturas en la prision de Abu Ghraib, por lo cual se manifesto como objetor de conciencia. Hoy en dia ofrece presentaciones por toda la nacion sobre sus experiencias. Suarez del Solar se convirtio en uno de los opositores de la guerra mas activos en el pais despues de la muerte de su hijo Jesús Alberto,en Irak.

La caminata del proximo 12 de marzo dara inicio en Tijuana, donde nacio su hijo, y cruzara la linea internacional como un acto simbolico de la búsqueda de la paz sin fronteras. 'Nuestra marcha tambien va a nacer ahi para educar sobre cuestiones de migracion', indico Del Solar. 'Estamos invitando a colaborar a todos los que apoyan la paz, hacemos este llamado no solo a la poblacion hispana, sino a todos los que esten de acuerdo con nuestro mensaje de alto al derramamiento de sangre en Irak'. La fecha de inicio, dijo, es en remembranza de la Marcha de la Sal que en 1930 emprendio Mahatma Gandhi en la India como una forma de desobediencia civil en contra del gobierno britanico que colonizaba a ese pais. Esa caminata de hace 76 anos inicio el 12 de marzo y junto con Gandhi marcharon 78 personas una distancia de 241 millas. 'Ese legado ha estado vivo en los movimientos sociales de los latinos en Estados Unidos, como el del gran lider Cesar Chavez', comento. Actualmente los latinos representan casi el 15% de la poblacion en Estados Unidos y el 11% en las Fuerzas Armadas. 'Muchos de ellos ocupan los rangos mas bajos y los trabajos mas peligrosos, es mas, casi el 20% de los caidos durante los primeros dias de la invasion de Irak eran latinos', indico Suarez del Solar. La marcha es convocada por la organizacion Proyecto Guerrero Azteca que dirige Del Solar, la cual esta solicitando donaciones (a traves de su pagina de internet guerreroazteca.org ) para costear los gastos de la caravana, asi como voluntarios que deseen participar en la caminata, o conduciendo vehiculos, y expertos en primeros auxilios para ayudar a quienes pudieran necesitarlo durante el trayecto

See: Guerrero Azteca Project