
Is the Global Recession Over?

Finance ministers of the G8, meeting at Lecce in Italy during the latter part of week ending June 14, were cautiously optimistic. The final communiqué noted that in the aftermath of efforts at financial stabilization and fiscal stimulation “there are signs of stabilization in our economies...

Venezuela and US Move to Normalize Relations

The Minister of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs, Nicolas Maduro Moros, confirmed Wednesday that in the coming days, Venezuelan and US ambassadors, Bernardo Alvarez and Patrick Duddy, will return to their respective diplomatic posts.


School of the Americas: A Thoroughly Un-American Institution

Opened in 1946 at Fort Gulick in the former U.S. Panama Canal Zone, the School of the Americas (SOA) has, over its lifetime, trained more than 64,000 Latin American and Caribbean members of the uniformed armed forces in an extensive program of military operations.

Sunspots Don't Cause Global Warming

Many climate scientists agree that sunspots and solar wind could be playing a role in climate change, but the vast majority view it as very minimal and attribute Earth’s warming primarily to emissions from industrial activity—and they have thousands of peer-reviewed studies available to back up that claim.

UN Experts to Attend Convention on the Environment in Havana

HAVANA, Cuba, June 24 (acn) Representatives from the United Nations and ministers from 11 countries will participate in the 7th International Convention on the Environment and Development that will take place in Havana on July 6-10, 2009.

Liberty at Risk in Sheboygan

Has it become impossible to govern the US by reason or logic? Frank Zappa originally asked that question in 1988, but it occurred to me recently that nothing has improved in the way government is run during the last twenty years. We are governed by trickery, fear, disinformation and superstition.

Atlanta's Largest Shelter Fights City for Water

ATLANTA – The Metro Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless won a temporary injunction and restraining order against the City of Atlanta to have their water turned back on so that they can negotiate a payment plan with the City.


Book Review: Halliburton’s Army

This is a book the Halliburton/KBR can live with. It airs out their dirty laundry: the bribes, kickbacks, the inefficient work, the near slave labor conditions of its subcontracted employees, the deaths from insurgent attacks and electrocution, massive overcharging on its invoices, poor record-keeping, and other serious allegations.

Iran’s Tudeh Party: Unity, Struggle and Solidarity Can Overcome Repression

Following the speech of Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader and the commander of the coup d’état, in the Friday prayers in Tehran, the armed thugs of the regime, including the forces of the Basij militia, Intelligence Ministry and units of the Revolutionary Corps brutally attacked peaceful and righteous-seeking demonstrations of the people.

Political Affairs Podcast #103 – Fixing the Broken Health System

On this episode, we look closely at the healthcare reform debate and talk with various activists and leaders in the movement to fix the broken healthcare system and create a public option for Americans who can't afford or who have been left behind by the private insurance industry.

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