Original source: United for Peace and Justice
UFPJ 2010 Fall Call to Action:
Peace, Jobs and Justice Now!
August 28th - Washington DC and Detroit!
Oct. 2nd - One Nation Movement, Washington DC
This fall movements for peace and justice will have unprecedented opportunities to support and build on one another's work while highlighting one of the root causes of all of our struggles – war. The US military consumes over 50% of our national budget – tax dollars that are desperately needed here at home to save jobs and support families. Outpaced only by 35 nations in oil consumption, the U.S. war machine is a huge contributor to climate change. With more than 700 bases girdling the globe, U.S. foreign policy of endless war has wreaked havoc on people around the world as we see today in the ongoing occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, and U.S. support for the occupation of Palestine. To maintain a nuclear umbrella of intimidation, war makers continue to build new generations of expensive weapons that risk nuclear annihilation. Chronic war or threat of war ensures that ruling elites benefit while ensuring that succeeding generations of the world's people are impoverished. We must stop this madness!
The peace and anti-war movements cannot stop it alone. UFPJ is working with hundreds of groups across the nation to take action to build a peoples' movement. Mark August 28th and especially October 2nd on your calendar as days for hitting the streets in solidarity. It is time to stand up with our friends and allies.
Demand Change
Rainbow Push, the United Auto Workers and the National Action Center are calling on people to join them on August 28 in Washington DC and Detroit, the 47th Anniversary of King's March on Washington.
The NAACP, SEIU 1199, Green for All, National Council of La Raza, US Student Association, and the Center for Community Change have called on the progressive movement to unite and join them on October 2 in Washington DC.
United for Peace and Justice is leading an effort to bring the peace movement into these mobilizations UFPJ joins the AFL-CIO, SEIU and a broad range of civil rights, labor, peace and social justice organizations in endorsing this call and in organizing for August 28 and October 2 to bring as visible and strong message to the Obama Administration that it is time to deliver on their promises to end war and rebuild our country!
One Nation Working Together?
Come to Washington DC on October 2 for an emergency mobilization of all progressive movements at this critical moment!
* Take our government back from big oil and the banks.
* Stand up for the well-being and economic security of all our families.
* Stand up against hatred, intolerance and immigrant-bashing.
* Stand up for a society that works for all of us.
* Cut military spending -- fund jobs and human needs.
* Peace abroad, renewable energy at home.
* Demand the change that was promised!
March With Us
Our country is at a crossroads. Big oil, big banks, big pharmaceuticals, the military-industrial complex and big money of all types have a stranglehold on our government and our society. Their corporate agenda has led us into an unparalleled social crisis marked by economic distress, environmental danger, unsustainable military spending and endless war.
We call on all parts of the peace and justice movement to mobilize for the October 2 demonstration and participate in the One Nation Working Together Campaign and bring our priorities to D.C. We will march as a peace contingent bearing slogans such as: "Fund Jobs, Not War", "Cut the Military Budget, Invest in America", "Stop the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq", and "Jobs, Peace, Justice"!
It's time to take the streets again!
Join the Fall Campaign for Peace, Jobs and Justice for All!
Spread the word and organize where and when you can this fall!
Aug 28th: March in Detroit for Jobs, Justice and Peace
Aug 28th: 47th Anniversary of March on Washington to Reclaim King's vision of Peace and Justice
Oct. 2: One Nation Working Together March in Washington, DC - ALL out for a major Peace and Justice contingent
Oct. 7-10: Global Days of Local Actions to Stop the Afghanistan War - Bring the Troops and Money Home!