The Case of the Jena Six and Racism in the US
After the collapse of the slave power in the South at the end of the Civil War in 1865, a struggle in the former Confederate states to establish citizenship rights for the former slaves and in effect democratize the region was carried forward

Getting Down and Dirty with Soil
Even among the ecology-minded, soil falls well below the radar of important causes. But the relationship between soil quality and both environmental and human health is intricately entwined.

Israeli Crackdown on Palestinian Civilians Criticized by Human Rights Groups
Israel once again appears determined to alienate world opinion by threatening to cut the supplies of fuel and electricity to the Gaza Strip while, in the words of Human Rights Watch, “increasing its restrictions on the movement of goods and people in and out of the territory.”

Book Review: Canada in Afghanistan: The War so Far
Canadian Peter Pigott is alarmed at reports showing waning support for “the troops” in Afghanistan. So Canada in Afghanistan: the war so far was penned to help public opinion to rebound — in a properly hawkish direction — after the author helps Canadians learn some history.

We Have Nothing But Fear Itself
A Roseland, Indiana, city council member orders police to remove a fellow city council member. The police escort him out, shove him down on his face and pound his head.

It Ain't Easy Being Green: Notre Dame and the Economy of Sports
There's an old cliché that the most popular college football team in the United States is whoever plays Notre Dame.

Racism and War: Overcoming Us and Them
Racism is, among many things, convenient. It provides simplified, definite and ready-to-serve answers to complex and compounded questions. Racists, in turn, come from all walks of life.

Book Review: The People's State: East German Society from Hitler to Honecker
It has been almost twenty years since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dismantling of the German Democratic Republic. Since then a lot has been written about the former socialist state.

International Conference Builds Support for Test Ban Treaty; US Doesn't Show Up
The fifth Conference to promote the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban-Treaty (CTBT) concluded on 18 September 2007 with urgent calls to hold-out States to sign and ratify the Treaty.

Japanese Prime Minister Abe's Resigns in an Attempt to Sidestep Questions about his Rule
Prime Minister Abe Shinzo at a press conference on September 12 abruptly announced that he will step down, giving a big shock to the whole nation. With the ruling parties suffering a bitter defeat in the July House of Councilors election, the public demanded Abe’s resignation.