

IRAQ: Violence, poverty, unemployment fuel rising alcoholism

As the violence continues in Iraq, many people have been turning to alcohol to relieve their stress, say observers.


Fulton County Approves $15 Million for Grady, With Strings Attached

The Fulton County Board of Commissioners approved $15 million for the Grady Health System on Wednesday, September 05, 2007, but it did not happen easily, or without strings attached.


Ford's Ethanol Car

Environmental advocates would love to see carmakers mass-produce a biofuel-electric hybrid. From a technology standpoint, it’s a no-brainer: Major automakers already turn out vehicles that can run on E85, a blend of 85 percent ethanol, derived from corn and other crops, and 15 percent standard gasoline.


The Fight Against Latin American Terrorism or the Destruction of Democracy?

On August 29, demonstrators tried to break through a police blockade around La Moneda, Chile’s presidential palace in the center of Santiago. This sparked yet another string of police violence against social protestors in a Latin American country.


Book Review: Making Globalization Work

While I believe that Stiglitz has his heart in the right place, his head is still well within the confines of the World Bank that he departed from physically several years ago. His recommendations in 'Making Globalization Work' are narrow and shallow and will not address the problems with our current form of 'globalization.'


Iraqi Hospitals Severely Understaffed

According to the Iraqi Medical Association (IMA), the shortage of doctors and nurses in Iraq is now critical and having a devastating effect, especially on small towns and villages.


“Totalitarianism': Fact or Fiction?

Is there such a thing as a “total state” or “totalitarianism”? Where does the term come from? How did it develop over time? What were and are its social purposes?


Bush Threatens to Spread Middle East War

In an exceptionally bellicose and war-mongering speech last week, President Bush threatened military action against Iran even to the point of a 'nuclear holocaust.'


Japan: More Corruption in the Abe Government

Agriculture Minister Endo Takehiko on September 2 decided to resign to take responsibility for a money scandal involving his agricultural mutual aid association.


Venezuela To Construct Over 200 'Socialist' Factories

The Venezuelan government is planning the construction of more than 200 'socialist' factories around the country in the next two years, according to an announcement made yesterday during a meeting of the Central Planning Committee.

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