

Iran: Support the United Struggle for Freedom of Labor, Student and Women’s Activists

Tudeh Party of Iran supports the interesting initiative of International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) for a worldwide day of action on August 9, 2007 to protest against the oppressive measures of Iran’s regime.


Country in Distress: The Upside Down Flag

am an American. I used to be a proud one. This was before a realization that hit me hard concerning the casualties of a dirty war. I am not talking about the war in Iraq. I am talking about the other war – the war on drugs.


Pequenos y grandes porqués sobre los 5 héroes cubanos presos en EEUU

¿Por qué el gobierno norteamericano y el FBI no actuó, según lo prometido, contra los terroristas sobre los cuales las autoridades cubanas entregaron evidencias y pruebas de todo tipo, con identificaciones de los individuos, direcciones, grabaciones, etc, etc., muchas de cuyas informaciones habían sido aportadas por los 5 Héroes y otras fuentes?


Sounding Off About Religious Idiocy

According to a July 31, 2007, MSNBC headline, religious doctors are less likely than nonreligious ones to care for patients who can not afford health care.


'Progress' in Iraq and the Bush Administration's Credibility Gap

Progress. This is the new watchword for determining whether US military forces should remain bogged down in Iraq's civil war or if the Democrats will have enough political muscle to bring the troops home.


How RCTV President’s CIA Connection Links Venezuela and Nicaragua

The president of Venezuela's RCTV, Eladio Larez,[1] is no stranger to the CIA. In fact, Eladio's contact with the agency goes back nearly twenty years. Back in 1989, Larez helped the CIA funnel money through Venezuela to the Nicaraguan contras.


A Preliminary Evaluation of the Impact of NAFTA on the Manufacturing Sector

In this, the fourteenth year of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), it is of the utmost importance—in terms of its continued application in the future—to look back and examine the economic impact of free trade on the U.S. and Mexico over the last decade and a half.


Time to Run for Change, America

On July 25th the International Herald Tribune ran a piece titled; 'Teens march across America in lonely opposition to war.'


Australia: Civil Rights Onslaught Continues

The Howard Government will be out to ramp up its police state powers this week when the Crimes Legislation Amendment (National Investigative Powers and Witness Protection) Bill comes before the Senate.


Georgia Supreme Court to Hear Davis Case, Parole Board Delays Hearing

Concerned activists held a press conference at the State Capitol, Tuesday, August 07, 2007, to update the public on developments in the Troy Davis death row case, and to present witnesses regarding overall problems with the death penalty in this country.

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