Italian American Identity: To Be or Not To Be
In the 1950s and early 1960s, it was the accepted view among many social scientists that, as ethnic assimilation advanced, ethnic group identities would fade away. But in fact, ethnicity continued to impact significantly upon political life. Why was that?
Lonesome Hobo Economics: The Bar Tab Will Have To Be Paid
The Congressional Budget Office announcement of a nearly $10 Trillion price tag on government borrowing for the next decade has sent a shiver up the spine of the most committed liberals. Some time ago economist pundits were debating the 'multiplier' effect of the stimulus.
The Hush-Hush Story: Why They Tortured
It's like a can of worms from which a few are slithering out. Most of the major media have avoided even approaching it. But if it is as is being suggested the implications are enormous, touching not only on the real reason prisoners were tortured but, as well, into the real origin of the war in Iraq.

Killer Whales Need Some Help to Survive
The largest member of the dolphin family and a major draw at marine parks, orcas (also known as “killer whales”) are highly intelligent and social marine mammals that, because of these traits, have come to be known as ambassadors for nature and marine ecosystems around the world.

Tax Benefits for Energy Efficiency
Homeowners can get up to $1,500 back from the federal government for any number of energy efficiency upgrades at home. If you upgrade to energy efficient insulation, windows, doors, heating, air conditioning or water heaters between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2010, you are eligible for a tax credits of up to 30 percent of product costs.
Teenage Terror Plot or Wild Imagination?
Following a seven-day trial, Ehsanul Islam Sadequee, 23, was convicted in a U.S. federal court earlier this month on several counts of providing material support to terrorists and the Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LET), a designated foreign terrorist organization.

Everyone Needs Health Reform
President Obama grabbed the initiative in the health insurance reform debate by bringing a clear message to grassroots supporters via a national teleconference and webcast August 20. Because it will provide a quality public option and a raft of consumer protections, both people with and without health insurance have a stake in the fight for reform, the President argued.

Swine Flu Vaccine on the Way
A new vaccine for the swine flue (H1N1) will be available this fall as the flu season begins, officials at the Department of Health and Human Services announced August 19.

Photo Essay: Migrant Farmworkers in a California Town
Taft was once a speculator's boomtown, surrounded by a forest of oil wells, hotbed the state's burgeoning petroleum industry. Today it is a divided community, home to a growing farm worker population, who work in the fields of the southern San Joaquin Valley.

State Legislators Press for Public Option in Health Reform
On the heels of media reports that the Obama administration might support a Senate bill that excludes a public insurance program, the White House Working Group of State Legislators for Health Reform reiterated its support for a health reform package that includes a public insurance option.