

Giant Backbone to be Delivered to Congress for Peace & Accountability

While Washington DC’s January weather isn’t typically the kind that would encourage out-of-town visitors to head to the country’s capitol, thousands of Americans will be doing just that this coming weekend. Their message? Stop the war.

Shifting Sands in the Middle East and the Chances for Peace

Your correspondent has a pretty decent record in defending the principle of the “two-state” solution over the years. However, it should be clear that the path forward to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state alongside of Israel is subject to the sea changes occurring in the sensitive Middle East region.

US Rep. Woolsey's Bill Would 'Bring Troops Home' in Six Months

Last week US Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) introduced H.R. 508, the 'Bring the Troops Home and Iraq Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2007,' the strongest of all current US Congressional bills which seek to de-escalate the US Invasion of Iraq.


NOW Calls for End to War in Iraq, Ready to March on Saturday

On Nov. 7, 2006, voters went to the polls with a very clear message: end the war. Congress switched hands to the Democratic leadership when voters elected candidates who pledged to bring a resolution to the conflict in Iraq.

A brother's quest for justice in racial crime results in an arrest - 42 years later

The wheels of justice, so says the old adage, turn slowly. No one can better attest to the truth of that statement than Thomas Moore, 63, who has been in determined pursuit of justice for the kidnapping and murder of his brother Charles Eddie Moore back in 1964.

Communist Party USA Response to the State of the Union

The concerns of most Americans who find it harder and harder to make ends meet, and who want to bring our troops home from Iraq, were ignored by George W. Bush in his State of the Union address.


Vicepresidente de Venezuela responde 'inquietud' estadounidense por Ley Habilitante

Rodríguez respondió a la preocupación expresada por el portavoz adjunto del Departamento de Estado de EEUU, Tom Casey, sobre el proyecto que le otorgará poderes especiales al presidente Chávez, destacando que lo que le 'intranquiliza' a EE UU es que Venezuela esté ejerciendo su soberanía como Estado que 'defiende' la autodeterminación de los pueblos.


Book Review: Thomas Paine: His Life, His Time and the Birth of Modern Nations

THE publisher's blurb holds Craig Nelson's panoramic life of the man who, with mock modesty, claimed: 'To share in two revolutions is living to some purpose,' to be 'a much-needed biography.'


Cuba at The Crossroads?

An article on Haiti that appeared in Time magazine in January 1973 – at the end of the dictatorship of “Papa Doc” Duvalier and the commencement of his son “Baby Doc’s harsh rule– states: “There is also a sound on the city streets that to most urban Americans is unfamiliar: laughter.”


Australia: Rudd and Howard, both slaves to the US alliance

On the ABC AM program earlier in January, Kevin Rudd, in declaring his “strong support” for the US alliance declared that “America has been a noble force for good in the world since World War II”.

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