
Karl Rove Informs White House He Will Be Indicted

Within the last week, Karl Rove told President Bush and Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten, as well as a few other high level administration officials, that he will be indicted in the CIA leak case and will immediately resign his White House job when the special counsel publicly announces the charges against him, according to sources.

Bush Beats Out Nixon: Least Liked President Ever

Bush's approval rating is now at 29%, and disapproval at an astonishing 71%.  Well, it's astonishing that it took so long to get there.  But it's also record-setting. 

Rumsfeld Challenged: Media mishandle Rumsfeld-McGovern exchange

It is not often that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld finds himself aggressively questioned about the Iraq War. When that happened at a May 4 event, many in the media seemed not to know what to make of it.

Group Appeals for International Aid to Build Democracy in the US

An international appeal for help is being circulated. For the promotion of democracy in the one country that needs it the most, the US, the newly founded International Endowment for Democracy (IED) seeks to raise international funds to assist pro-democracy groups within the US.

Dick DeVos: Top Ten Things to Know about his Real Agenda

Dick DeVos, co-owner of Amway, will likely win the Republican Party primary for the governor’s race in Michigan. He sure has paid enough for it, spending millions of his personal fortune on a glitzy television and radio ad campaign to hide the facts about his own agenda.

Immigration, Language and Nuestra Himno

Seizing any weapon with which to attack the growing movement for immigrant workers’ rights, the Republican Party and the right wing have found a new gripe: the recording of a Spanish-language version of the United States’ national anthem.

Ray McGovern Is Going to Rumsfeld's House

Ray McGovern wasn't aiming to make Donald Rumsfeld stutter and stammer like a kid caught cheating on a test when he asked him last week why he'd lied us into a war.  That was just a side benefit. 

RNC Attack on John Conyers Demands Action

The Republican National Committee (RNC) has launched an aggressive campaign to smear Congressman John Conyers.

Bush's Very Questionable Judicial Nomination

The Senate will soon vote on the nomination of Terrence Boyle to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Democrats have blocked his nomination, owing to his poor judicial record.

Washington Post Blogger Attempts Defense of Rumsfeld

Rumsfeld not only did not rely on the CIA.  He created his own 'intelligence' operation in the Pentagon called the Office of Special Plans.  Has the Washington Post heard about this?

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