
Iraq: Crisis and Violence Require National Unity and Struggle

In a communique published earlier this week, the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP) reported on the events and decisions of its recent Central Committee meeting held in Baghdad.

CPUSA Statement in Response to Bush Immigration Speech

George W. Bush’s speech to the nation on May 15, 2006 highlighting deployment of the National Guard to the Mexican border represents an aggressive policy of racist, anti-immigrant demonization and hysteria.

Australia's gunboat diplomacy – Look for the money

Two Australian warships are on their way to East Timorese waters. It’s called “showing the flag” or “gunboat diplomacy”. East Timor has not asked Australia for any help, so why the rush?

India's State Elections Strengthen Left Parties

The People's verdict is loud and clear. The people in all the five states that went to the polls have enthusiastically responded to the call of the Left

Immigration Policy: An Historical Perspective

Past and present immigration have many things in common. Both are largely the result of severe economic dislocations effecting regions following under the sway of industrial capitalism.

White and Might Make Right: Morality is in the Eye of the Oppressor

Casting aside the history books written by the “superior” White race and viewing history through the lens of reality, one readily sees that European nations... committed unspeakable atrocities against millions whose only “crime” was that they were born on the continents of Africa, North America, or South America.

Solidarity Street Demonstrations To Demand US Keep Hands Off Venezuela and Cuba

In glorious and committed counterpoint to the shameless Burton resolution, large demonstrations will take place on the streets of Washington, DC and Los Angeles on May 20 demanding 'US Hands Off Venezuela and Cuba.'

Al Gore: A 2008 Presidential Bid?, Warns of Global Warming

Al Gore may be a “recovering politician,” but “You always have to worry about a relapse,” Gore told Atlanta Progressive News.

Bolivia: Integration with Sovereignty

A new approch on economic exchange, quite different from the globalization scope promoted by Washington on behalf of its transnationals, came to light with the signing of the People's Trade Agreement by Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia.

Sudan: One year after Nivasha

On 9 January 2006, a whole year passed since the signing of the comprehensive peace agreement in Nivasha between the Peoples Movement for the Liberation of the Sudan (SPLM) and the Islamic government.

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