Fidel Won the Battle

2-27-08, 9:05 am

Original source: CubaNews

The outcome of this story couldn't have been more frustrating and unexpected for the enemies of the Cuban revolutionary process, nor more promising for its heroes: the Cuban people.

In truth, the dramatic plot created by the propaganda machine of the empire intended to impose an end agreeable to their convenience for the epic insistence of the Cubans to forge their own sovereign, just and honest present.

But, none of the apocalyptical forecasts in form of violent death of the leader, coup d'état or military uprisings took place. No forced surrender through diplomatic isolation, economic blockade, street protests, international condemnation or financial ruin…

Lately they hung on the death or disability of the leader from natural or accidental causes as a means to achieve their purposes, after wasting many millions of dollars financing dissidents; slanderous campaigns throughout the world; counterrevolutionary radio, television broadcasts; brain drain and other measures which moved to indignation and people's unity rather than serving to create unrest.

Many tons of papers were wasted in plans for an impossible transition to capitalism, in which they shattered the neurons of many well-paid talents –all aware of the uselessness of such pledge.

While the empire increasingly conditioned the offensive carried out by its intelligence institutions to the electoral objectives of the party in government, the Cuban leader managed – in spite of his physical limitations – the course, rhythm and character of events with such wisdom that each enemy action turned against its own promoters.

The message of Fidel Castro to the Cuban people, in which he announced his decision not to seek or accept a renewal of his functions as President of the Council of State and Commander-in-Chief, has meant the successful outcome of another battle of the Cuban revolution against its enemies. This is so, because Cuban constitutional order was respected, the order that Cubans decided by themselves, without submission to foreign powers.

For many months, after serious health problems affected Fidel Castro, the empire unleashed a media campaign about his replacement as Head of the Cuban State with all kinds of speculations on how would or should the succession be. They purposely ignored that the revolution in Cuba had, for a long time, achieved levels of institutionalism and enough organizational capacity to solve this legal problem, not technically complex but serious from the point of view of the security of the nation.

But it wasn't even necessary to submit Cuban institutions to this test, due to the awareness of Fidel's role of in the revolution, the discipline with which he assumed his process of recovery and the popular identification with his leadership.

The vast majority of the Cuban people have developed such a confidence in their revolutionary leader for so long, that when hearing from him, in full control of his faculties, making the decision to not continue in his position, his decision was approved without objections.

Many tears have wet the cheeks of the Cubans upon learning of this decision of their maximum revolutionary guide. They see him as the hero of all the victories and honors that the nation has achieved in half a century. But they have accepted it as the best solution: because Fidel said so!

The air breathed in all of Cuba is of great confidence in the future of the revolution because Fidel has given assurances that the country has leadership cadres with the necessary authority and experience to guarantee the substitution, as well as the capacity to continue forming others, thus guaranteeing the continuity of the revolutionary process.

The government of the United States is very concerned over the continuity of the Cuban revolution since foreseeing the inevitable defeat of the Batista´s tyranny which Washington supported until his overthrow on January of 1959.

The United States has always pretended to ignore that the current Cuban political phenomenon is part of a revolutionary process begun during the mid-19th century which today is headed by Fidel Castro as it had been previously led by José Martí and other heroes.

The Communist Party of Cuba is a continuity of the Cuban Revolutionary Party founded by José Martí as an organization gathering all Cubans to fight for their independence from Spain and to prevent absorption of the country by the United States, Fidel will continue to lead the revolution, as Jose Marti has been doing in every moment.

Fidel shall be present in the leading actions of Raul Castro, for they are the same person, not by means of cloning, but because of their common revolutionary and patriotic roots, those that define their political projections and their ideals, as well as their influence in the revolutionary process and the popularity stemming from their merits in the popular struggle, always in the vanguard since the times of the Moncada barracks´ attack in 1953.

Fidel will continue in charge for many thousands of cadres will see to it that neither capitulation nor any other trend different from the revolutionary one defined by him will prevail.

Fidel will keep leading the Revolution because it is mainly thanks to him that nowadays Cuba is a nation of educated, healthy and patriotic people, ready to cultivate unity and solidarity in order to maintain and defend their independence, their cultural identity and their social justice, achieved all along the last half century.

When someone asked me what sorts of changes could be expected to take place in Cuba after the 24th of February session of the National Assembly, I answered, based on Fidel's recent message to the Nation: 'A very big change!' And my answer is based in the fact that the Revolution will count on the intelligence of the most outstanding revolutionary leader of our time, free of the everyday managerial responsibilities, entirely dedicated to serve the cause with his talent.

From CubaNews. A CubaNews translation by Ana Portela. Edited by Walter Lippmann.