Support The People’s Weekly World: Bringing you the best working-class, fighting newspaper we can


Dear friend,

Can you ever forget the horrendous images of people on their rooftops waiting for help, waiting, waiting, and waiting? Or the families trapped at the Superdome, then wading through polluted water to get to a bus to take them out of New Orleans — after five days of waiting?

Can you ever forget the images of the many – mostly African Americans — trapped by racism and poverty in the rising floodwaters — calling for help, while the president vacationed and the vice president was nowhere to be found?

Can you ever forget the images of elderly and disabled people being placed on baggage carriers after waiting with their dedicated caregivers for days for rescue and evacuation? Who can forget the heartbreaking stories of lost lives, broken lives and families torn apart?

The People’s Weekly World can’t and won’t.

We had a reporter on the scene only days after Hurricane Katrina struck, to give you on the spot reporting of the catastrophe, the survivors’ stories and the mounting struggle for jobs and justice in the rebuilding. And the PWW will continue to campaign for economic aid and social justice for the survivors and the region.

But we need your help to meet these challenges. We need you to donate to the 2006 People’s Weekly World fund drive.

You have seen the profound issues of race and class brought to the forefront of the nation’s conscience. You have seen the failed policies of the far right, like “small” government and the war in Iraq, exposed.

There are millions of bytes of images, millions of words written and spoken, explaining, exposing, persuading the public as to what the roots of such a catastrophe were and how to assess the post-catastrophe developments.

What you get from the PWW is a unique contribution - linking the ultra right with the thieving system it champions, along with the forces that can change the situation in the U.S. and win pro-people solutions — our multiracial working class and its allies.

The PWW exposes present day capitalism and its inability to solve problems. The PWW informs readers about the moral authority of socialism. In 20 pages, the PWW and Nuestro Mundo campaigns weekly against the far right and racism, attacks on immigrants, the war in Iraq, corporate profiteering, rising fuel costs, union-busting, political cronyism and more. And as we head into the 2006 elections, where the ultra right faces potential defeat, the PWW will keep you informed of the important political developments and struggles.

The PWW reports on the worldwide movements and parties fighting for socialism, especially the Communist Party USA. The PWW publishes popular Marxist analysis on the issues of the day, bringing to a wider audience scientific socialism. With both our web site and our printed newspaper — the PWW is a tool for struggle and learning.

Taking all these things into account, the PWW occupies a unique place among the millions of bytes of information.

The editorial board and our many volunteers work hard bringing you the best working-class, fighting newspaper we can, but we can’t do it alone. We need your support. We need your donation. We need you to tell us, with your contribution, that the PWW is a viable and necessary part of the American political landscape. As they say — money talks. Talk to us today.

Yours in peace and struggle,

Terrie Albano, Editor