Taxi to the Dark Side of Cheney/Bush Regime

3-15-08, 9:06 am

Original source: Allen L Roland's blog

We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts ~ not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution: Abraham Lincoln

Taxi to the Dark Side is an award winning must watch film which all Americans should take the time to see. It offers dramatic evidence of the Cheney/Bush regime's efforts to pervert the Constitution for their own global neocon agenda.

This superb documentary confirms several facts:

1. Dick Cheney was the prime architect of illegal torture in this journey to the dark side in direct opposition to our historic guiding constitutional principles of human rights and individual justice.

2. John Loo was the chief legal draftsman for these crimes against humanity.

3. George W Bush was the cheerleader for this executive abuse of power and a fearful Congress was a knowing participant.

4. Gitmo is an ongoing public relations stunt ~ whose primary intention is that progress is being made on the war on terror. See this recent expose of Quantanamo ~ A sickening truth at Guantánamo 5. Less than 1% of the over 50,000 detainees in Afganistan and Pakistan are terrorists with over 90% being turned over by Afgan war lords and Pakistanis for cash payments from the U.S.

6. The United States has created more genuine hatred and world wide condemnation because of its ongoing blatant disregard of not only the Geneva Conventions but of basic human rights.

7. There is now more than enough evidence to try both George W Bush and Dick Cheney for abuse of power and crimes against humanity. Remember, that George W Bush used to blow up frogs as a kid, executed more people in Texas than any other Governor and now obviously feels what's the big deal with torture ~ like water boarding?

Eugene Robinson, Washington Post, refers to this when he recently wrote ' George W Bush reminds us of how grievously he has wounded our nation's ideals, values and standing in the world ~ and how big a challenge the next president will face in repairing the damage. ' From Allen L Roland's blog