8-15-07, 10:12 am
Dear PA Reader,
Every year around this time you get a note from us, requesting your support for our annual fund drive. For the past several years running because of your generosity, we have had successful drives. We are sure this year will be no exception. But we need your help to raise $40,000.
This has already been an exceptional year. Coming in the afterglow of last fall’s defeat of right-wing Republicanism, it promises to be a banner year of class and democratic struggle.
Contribute securely on-line with your credit card at . (No special account is needed.)
The central issues before the nation are clear: ending the criminal war in Iraq, standing up to Bush’s subversion of Constitutional protections, blocking reactionary federal judges, protecting workers' rights, rebuilding America's infrastructure, passing the children’s health insurance bill, passing the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, passing inclusive federal hate crimes legislation and the Employee Non-discrimination Act (ENDA), and, especially, launching the campaigns that will defeat the Republicans in 2008 congressional and presidential elections.
The radically new terrain of struggle that will emerge with a major Republican defeat in 2008 will see passage of the Employee Free Choice Act and a whole new era for labor and the working class. Universal health care will be 'back on the table.' Pension and Social Security protection, real funding for public education, important reforms to protect the environment, economic policy that rebuilds America's economy will be on the agenda.
You can be sure Political Affairs won’t be in an armchair, but will play a role in this fight, helping clarify the underlying ideological issues, exposing the deeper economic issues in play, and organizing people into struggle. Our print and on-line editions of the magazine will be in the thick of it as any publication that promotes the socialist and communist idea worthy of its name must be.

Contribute securely on-line with your credit card at . (No special account is needed.)
We have also spiced up the print edition with a more regular labor column and feature by adding labor editor Ben Sears to the editorial board. His work will focus on developments in the US and world working-class and trade union movement. In addition, we have added a new 'International Notes' department that will cover the worldwide movements against imperialism and for a new society.
Your support for the PA fund drive will give us the financial muscle to keep our magazine afloat and take some new initiatives. Costs keep rising as do the stakes in our great struggle. Won’t you give as much as you can and allow us to keep fighting the good fight to which we’ve pledged our lives and spirits. Your contribution can really make a difference this very important year. Remember you can contribute securely on-line at .
If you prefer to send a check, make it payable to Political Affairs. Send to: 235, w. 23rd St., NY, NY 10011.
In Struggle,
Joe Sims, editor, for the Political Affairs editorial board