Japan: Abe Government Rocked by More Scandals
Agriculture Minister Akagi Norihiko allegedly reported expenditures on a non-existent office, and the recent issue of Akahata Sunday Edition revealed that Chief Cabinet Secretary Shiozaki Yasuhisa reported office expenses that are unaccounted for.

Japan: Corruption Deals a Blow to Ruling Parties, Communists, Opposition Make Election Gains
Japan's opposition parties and independents won a total of 75 seats in Sunday's upper house election, grabbing majority in the 242-seat chamber, final vote counting results showed early Monday.

Alabama Farmers Demand More Trade with Cuba
Two widely distributed newspapers, USA Today and the Montgomery Advertiser from Alabama report that farmers of that state are demanding more trade without restrictions with Cuba.

Middle East: A Warning to Tony Blair
LAST WEEK, James Wolfensohn gave a long interview to Haaretz. He poured out his heart and summed up, with amazing openness, his months as special envoy of the US, Russia, the EU and the UN (the 'Quartet') in this country - the same job entrusted now to Tony Blair.

Atlanta: Foreclosure Epidemic Ensnares AHA Voucher Holders
Atlanta public housing benefit recipient Tamika Brewer was surprised to learn she was far from the only AHA voucher recipient to be evicted because their landlord didn’t pay their mortgage to the bank.

India’s American Dreams
The United Progressive Alliance government is getting perilously close to bequeathing a foreign policy legacy for the country. It also becomes, inevitably, a sad legacy of the ageing Congress Party in its declining years.

Israel: Court Overturns Dismissal of Young Communist Labor Organizer
The Tel Aviv Regional Labor Court on Sunday ruled that the dismissal of Alon-Lee Green from his job at the Coffee Bean coffee shop chain three weeks ago was unlawful, and instructed the company to rehire him.