
Spiraling Unemployment and Inflation

Unemployment rose in May, from 5% to 5.5%, the largest one month jump in over 20 years. The national average for a gallon of gas reached $4 this week, with the upward spiral expected to continue.

ILO: No Globalization without Social Justice

International Labor Organization Director General Juan Somavia, speaking at the annual conference of ILO in Geneva this week, summoned labor rights advocates to urgently challenge what he called globalization without social justice.

Speculation is Pushing Up Oil Prices

Speculation in the world financial market has played an important role in skyrocketing oil prices, among other factors such as supply woes and a weak dollar, analysts said.

CARICOM to Address Food Crisis

Georgetown, Jun 5 (Prensa Latina) Caribbean officials and businesspeople will meet in this capital of Guyana on June 6-7 to discuss about two dozen proposals to be presented to investors in order to attract them to put their money into food production in this region.

Rich Countries are Accountable for World Crisis

Cuba stressed in Rome today that hunger and malnutrition are the consequences of an international world order that maintains and deepens poverty, inequalities and injustice.

The New Deal and the 21st Century

The New Deal government represented new forces and politics. It operated through the Democratic Party. It made the Democrats as a party the majority party of the country, something they had not been since before the Civil War.

Babbling Brooks

David Brooks (the NYT's ultra-conservative mouth piece) has written an open letter to the presidential candidates (Dear Senators Obama, Clinton and McCain) which appeared 5-30-2008 ['The Reality Situation'].

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