
U.S.: A Failed System

How do we gauge social system failure? Sociologists understand that an ideal social system with its network of institutions, held together by a culture, functions to fulfill needs of a society. When it fails to meet those basic needs, we can conclude that it has failed or become dysfunctional.

SUDAN: Gov't under pressure to accept UN peacekeepers

'The killing of civilians, raping of women and girls and pillaging of entire villages continued in Darfur,' [the UN report] said. 'As a result of the fighting, Darfur’s civilian population suffered from indiscriminate attacks, loss of property, and massive displacement.'

Canada Anti-War: C.P. denounces sham ‘consultation’ on Afghan mission

“Mr. Harper and the Conservative Party want to drag our country into even closer collusion with U.S. imperialism’s drive for economic and strategic domination around the world, under the hypocritical pretext of ‘fighting terrorism.’ '

Middle East: Multilateral Collusion

The international community has spoken: it opposes a unilateral withdrawal from the Occupied Territories. But it opposes a unilateral withdrawal much like I oppose Britney Spears having more children—it is not actually going to do a damn thing about it.

Time for Humane Immigration Reform

The Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), an organization committed to achieving a just and peaceful world community with full dignity and freedom for every human being, stands in solidarity with the millions who have rallied, boycotted, and marched during recent months in defense of basic human rights for undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Big Brother and You: The Latest From the NSA

Big Brother is watching you. At least when you’re on the phone -- he knows what numbers you’ve called, how many times and for how long, what numbers people at those numbers have called, and so on.

Si Se Puede! Immigration is and needs to be a gay issue

Iraq is a disaster and the treasury is hemorrhaging red ink to pay for it. Gas prices are soaring. Osama taunts us on videotape. Iran's going nuclear. Seven in 10 think the country's heading in the wrong direction. What do you do when you're in power and there's an election just around the corner? You trot out some old diversionary scapegoats once again.

Latin America: Movement Toward Mixed Economy Quickens as Neo-liberalism Fails

Just as the Bush administration’s market liberalization drive seemed to have been reaching its apogee, serious setbacks were registered as the utility of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and various bilateral FTA’s began to be successfully challenged.

Globalization: Hopes Of The South Betrayed

THE story of subversion of the UNCTAD itself by GATT that later morphed into WTO, enveloping within itself subjects like investments, intellectual property rights and a plethora of non-trade issues, is the story of continuing poverty of nations and backwardness of their development.

Radiohead: At ease at last

'We're old men. We probably all have life insurance,' jokes Thom Yorke on the opening night of Radiohead's British tour, looking really rather pleased with himself.

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