
Cyprus: AKEL Remains Top Vote Getter in National Elections

The General Secretary of the CC of AKEL Demetris Christofias delivered his speech outside the building of the Central Committee of the Party where the members, voters and supporters of the Party had gathered for the announcement of the results of the Parliamentary Elections.

East Timor: Its all about oil – once again

The Australian Government seems to have lost out, at least for the time being, in its attempts to destablilise East Timor and impose a government more to the liking of Howard, Downer and their allies.

A religious viewpoint on Jesus the revolutionary : 'Jesus Isn’t Magic'

Love your neighbor as yourself sums up all the commandments...Our neighbors are everywhere. They are in Iraq, they are in Iran, they are in Israel, they are in Palestine, they are in Mexico, they are in our border towns and in our work places.

A Priest for Peace: 'Don't Give Up: Keep the Movement Moving'

People across the country can not even imagine a world without war, poverty or nuclear weapons. But that is our job. We are like our ancestors, the Abolitionists, who came along and announced an astonishing, breathtaking new vision, a world without slavery, the equality of everyone on earth.

The class struggle continues: The May 18 COSATU General Strike(South Africa)

The SACP is of the strong view that we must disrupt this emerging alliance between some of our leading political cadres and emerging capitalist interests in order to defend the values and the objectives of the national democratic revolution.

Osaka,Japan: All 9 A-bomb survivors win law suit

The plaintiffs who won this victorious ruling include Hibakusha who were denied government recognition as having A-bomb radiation-related illnesses on the grounds that their exposure to radiation was 3.3 kilometers away from ground zero


The Military Death Toll While Enforcing the Occupation of Iraq

The US military doesn’t allow the compilation and publication of Iraqi casualties, and it is very difficult to know how bloody the occupation of Iraq has resulted. The only indication of the intensity of the conflict are the military fatalities.


Movie Review: The Da Vinci Code

The Da Vinci Code has been condemned by a number of religious leaders including leading figures in the Catholic Church, and, ironically, no less a personage than ultra-right religious TV personality Jerry Falwell.

Venezuela Considers Selling Oil in Euros

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez declared on Tuesday that Venezuela would consider putting the sale of its oil in Euros.  His comments come after Iran had announced that it too is contemplating switching to the European currency.

Sudan: Statement on the May 5 Abuja Agreement on Darfur

The Abuja Agreement reached between the government of the Sudan and the Sudan National Liberation Movement, Arkowi, was disappointing for the Sudanese people and for the people of Darfur, who made great sacrifices in order to attain a comprehensive agreement that meets their demands for a just division of wealth and power.

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