From Information Bulletin (Sudanese Communist Party), October 2004
The National Democratic Alliance (NDA)
The Crisis in the Sudan – Darfur
A meeting of leadership of the National Democratic Alliance took place in Asmara, during the period of July 14-20, 2004, at which it discussed the situation in the Sudan with particular reference to the situation in Darfur. It also reviewed the Niefasha Agreement concluded between the Sudanese government and the People’s Movement for Liberation of the Sudan.
The conclusions reached at by the meeting state the following :
The Alliance considers in this connection the following measures to be essential conditions without which the Niefasha Agreement cannot achieve its desired objectives :
Several basic and pivotal factors dictate the determination of the Alliance’s options in tackling the new realities resulting from the agreement :
1) In spite of the fact that SPLA has signed the peace protocols with the government, it will remain as part of the NDA abiding with its decisions
above all the Asmara Documents of 1995 concerning issues affecting the Sudan destiny.
2) The basic and necessary conditions for achieving democratic transformation and consolidation of peace is continued unity of the NDA as well as continued development of its visions, program and work machinery in a manner that corresponds to the developments dictated by the Agreement and to the requirements of the new political realities. In this regards, the Alliance will elaborate a specific work program that will be implemented in two levels :
- The internal level : It will mobilize the mass movement to achieve the democratic transformation, to support the peace process and to transform the agreement into a comprehensive one including the inclusion of Darfur and Eastern Sudan in the formula.
- On the outside level : The Alliance will undertake to assure all possible support to the Alliance activities inside the Sudan and to the expected dialogue with the government.
The Alliance discussed the situation in Darfur in the presence of the National Liberation Movement of Darfur – the Alliance’s newest member – and reached the following statement:
« The Sudan National Liberation Movement (Darfur) participated in the meeting for the first time, respresented by the President and Secretary General. It presented a detailed review of developments in Darfur. A resolution adopted by the meeting stated:
The leadership affirms its condemnation of the terrible deterioration of human conditions in Darfur and demands the following :
1) Respect of the cease fire agreed upon the SNLM (Darfur) and the government.
2) Immediate disbanding and disarming the Janjaweed militia and trying its leaders before special courts under international supervision.
Investigation of crimes, genocide and ethnic cleanings determining the responsibles and presenting them to trial..
4) Rebuilding of destroyed villages and returning the original inhabitants, assuming securing and providing care to them, compensating all those whose properties were damaged, as well as rebuilding the infrastructure.
5) Ban military flights over Darfur and supply of arms to it, strict control of all road transports to consolidate the cease fire.
6) Organizing a broad regional and international mobilization campaign addressed to concerned organizations with the aim of obtaining aid to those affected and to assure the proper delivery of aid. »
The meeting also adopted a statement of principles governing the process of negotiation concerning Darfur which states :
1) The problem of Darfur is a political one. It is a part of the overall political crisis. It will never be properly tackled except in the framework of the comprehensive political solution that the Alliance is to achieve.
2) The Darfur crisis is the result of the political and economic marginalization of broad sectors of the Sudanese society, and cannot be remedied except by resorting to a dialogue leading to peaceful, just political solution based upon commitment to eradicate the roots of the conflict and abandoning the violence.
3) Emphasizing the principle of democratic transformation, guaranteeing general freedoms, respecting human rights and the supremacy of the rule of law which will be guaranteed by the the permanent and transitory constitutions based on the right of citizens, separation of authorities and equality in rights and duties as well as non-discrimination among citizens because of race, religion, sex or culture.
4) Just participation in all levels of government and authority, commitment to the principle of decentralization – federal government – based on the diffusion of authority between centre and regions in a matter which will allow the regions to rule themselves by themselves.
5) Adhering to just distribution of wealth between the centre and the regions to achieve comprehensive balanced and sustained development.
6) Establishing ownership of land in Darfur based on historic rights of the various tribes while at the same time taking into consideration the common good.
7) Investigating violation and adhering to the principle of compensation and amending harm done.
8) Spreading the principle of reconciliation and coexistence among tribes in Darfur and refraining from exploitation of tribal strifes for political ends with the objective of preserving the component of social fabric.
9) Respecting human rights as stated in international covenants and inclusion of these rights in the transitional and permanent constitutions, and emphasizing the principle of independence of the judiciary, separation of authorities, and non-exploitation of religion in politics.
10) On the basis of agreement to the afore mentioned principles an end should be put to acts of belligerency, cease fire should be achieved and an agreement attained on transitional arrangements for ending fighting and entering into direct dialogue aiming to attain a just settlement to end the on-going war in Darfur.
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