
John McCain's Energy Policy: Same Song, Second Verse

Drill. Drill. Drill. That's John McCain's solution to the U.S. (and global) energy crisis. While most of the world, including most Americans, want alternatives to oil and other fossil fuels in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, John McCain wants to mire us in the sludge of the old oil economy.

Is the Era of Armed Struggle Over?

Is the era of armed struggle over? Hugo Chavez raised this issue pointedly in reference to Latin America when he called on guerrilla groups Columbia to lay down their arms.

Iraqi IDPs Demand Government Return them Home

Nearly 500 internally displaced persons (IDPs) took to the streets of central Baghdad on 14 June demanding the government secure their return to their homes and pay compensation to those with damaged properties.

Getting out of the Food Crisis

While there has been widespread reporting of the riots that have broken out around the world as a result of the global food crisis, little attention has been paid to the way forward.

Is the Present Crisis Ricardian?

David Ricardo, the outstanding predecessor of Marx, had visualized the process of capital accumulation getting constrained by the non-availability of adequate supplies of land.

Japan: Don't Rely on Corporate Interests to Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions

A bill to revise the 1998 Law Concerning the Promotion of the Measures to Cope with Global Warming was approved by the House of Councilors committee on environment on June 5.

John Howard Lawson’s Smash-up: A Lesson on Cold War Culture

The mention of screenwriter John Howard Lawson conjures up images of a daunt, spirited genius, Dean of the Hollywood Ten, a leader among artists determined to defend himself and his colleagues in the face of one of the worst, most repressive campaigns against free speech in American history.

Two years later, Lt. Watada remains in ‘legal limbo’

The U.S. Army’s case against 1st Lieutenant Ehren Watada remains unresolved, 2 years after Lt. Watada boldly and publicly refused deployment to Iraq with his unit in June 2006.

London Police Attack Bush Protesters with Truncheons

The intensity of the physical assault by police on the anti-war demonstrators in London on Sunday evening should not really have surprised anybody, although it has shocked a considerable number.

What Obama Didn't Say on Father's Day

In a widely acclaimed speech yesterday at an African American church on Chicago's South side to commemorate Father's Day, Barak Obama gave a presentation that while acknowledging the racial challenges of the past, gave great weight to the themes of personal responsibility and moral uplift confronting African American men. The central theme that resonated through the presentation was 'stop making excuses' for your own failings to be fathers.

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