
John McCain Debates Himself on Social Security

At a town hall meeting in New Hampshire recently Republican nominee John McCain responded to an audience question on Social Security privatization by saying, 'I am not for quote 'privatization of Social Security.' I never have been, never will be.”

Fans vs. Air Conditioners

According to Harvey Sachs of the non-profit American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, the movement of air over the skin is what’s key to keeping the body cool.


Iraq Moratorium, June 20

They'll be flipping pancakes for peace Friday, June 20, at the Midwest Renewable Energy Expo in Wisconsin.

The Illegitimate and Disastrous U.S. Military Occupation of Iraq

The Iraqi Parliament is on record as being against the US-led military occupation of their country. Moreover, most Iraqis resent Americans occupying their country and the Bush-Cheney administration's requests to do it forever by maintaining nearly 60 military bases in their country.

Georgia: Grady Hospital Gets Less Trauma Money than Expected

The Georgia Trauma Care Network Commission released its final report Monday, June 09, 2008, on allocating $58.9 million from the State of Georgia for the State’s network of 15 trauma care hospitals.

The Fragments of the Latin American Union

In Latin America, in the absence of a social revolution at the moment of national independence there were plenty of rebellions and political revolts. Less frequently these were popular rebellions and almost never were they ideological revolutions that shook the traditional structures.

Darfur: Millions of Vulnerable Civilians Sliding Closer to Starvation

Despite five years of genocidal counter-insurgency warfare in Darfur, millions among its ravaged civilian population will soon enter a third month receiving only half the necessary food rations from the UN’s World Food Program (WFP).

Neither Courageous nor Independent – Where it Counts

In spite of his complaints about too much partisanship instead of “bipartisan resolve” and honest politics, McCain (twice!) supported and strongly endorsed George W. Bush for president... because of “party loyalty.”

How the Media Got 'Class' Wrong in the Democratic Primaries

The struggle for the votes from the working class has never been more openly discussed. In the mainstream media, we've heard the phrase “working class” far more than the classless phrase “middle class” in recent weeks. This is new feature for national elections.

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