
U.S. meat packers repeatedly violate BSE regulations

Twenty six out of the 37 U.S. meat packing facilities that have been given licenses to export to Japan repeatedly violated in 2004 and 2005 the U.S. BSE regulations such as the removal of risk material and determining the months-old age of cattle.

Organized Inhumanity: Haditha & the U.S. Military Machine

Such behavior by the U.S. military involves dehumanizing the enemy and anyone who resembles them and eliminating them as easy as one would a cockroach...[and] race plays a crucial role in discrediting the opponent’s claims to humanity.

Mad Cow Disease

Actually, Mad Cow Disease, technically known as Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), was first detected in North America in January 1993, when a beef cow that had been imported from Britain to the Canadian province of Alberta tested positive.

Why Did They Kill Zarqawi Instead of Capture Him?

...So let's get this straight: there was no justification for bombing that house. The U.S. military had Zarqawi in a perfect trap. He was surrounded. There was nowhere to run.

Cuba Rejects Economic Alliance With Strings and other news

The Cuban government decided not to accept any economic, political or social conditions that lead to intrusion in Cuban domestic affairs or go against the principles of the Revolution, nor[a condition] that favors one sector of the population

Sudan and Darfur: The problem is political

It is important to unmask the position of the Sudanese government, to demand that it cooperate with efforts to hold accountable those responsible for violations of human rights in Darfur, including through the International Criminal Court.

Where is the leverage for U.S. workers in the fight with Delphi and GM?: A communist viewpoint:

The car companies charge the same for a model whether it was built in Mexico, the U.S. or Canada, despite the differences in pay and benefits between the plants. The claim that lower wages mean lower prices does not stand up — all they do is make more profits off the lower wages.

UN Prepares Debate on Puerto Rico as a Colony

A final declaration issued by the Foreign Ministries of 116 countries met in Malaysia in late May called on the US government to respect Puerto Ricans’ right to self-determination and independence

Are Advocates Of Neo-liberal Reforms Listening?

For quite some time now, the post-war welfare state has been on the retreat in France as in many other nations in Europe, giving way to neo-liberal politics and economics. However, this is for the first time that a massive student movement erupted against the neo-liberal reforms.


UN panel condemns U.S. torture

At hearings in Geneva May 5-8, a panel of 10 independent experts examined U.S. compliance with the UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. This is the first time U.S. compliance has been examined by the UN committee since 9/11.

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