Money for Children's Health Care, Not for War!


10-04-07, 4:22 pm

President Bush wants more money for war! But none for our children's health care!

CPUSA Statement on SCHIP

President Bush’s despicable veto of the extension and expansion of health care for children (SCHIP) must not be allowed to stand. Congress has the power to override that veto, and must do so. The bill passed the Senate with enough votes to override a veto, but in the House there were 265 yes votes, falling short of the 290 needed for the over ride.

It has been pointed out that the amount of taxpayers funds spent on one month of the occupation of Iraq would cover the entire annual cost of continuing coverage for 6.6 million children and adding 4 million more children for new coverage.

It is urgent that all democratic minded people join in the hundreds of local demonstrations and many thousands of phone calls to Congress to over ride the veto of the extension and expansion of SCHIP, and reject the Bush agenda that funds warfare instead of health care.

The fight for this bill is an opportunity to deliver an unprecedented rebuff to the Bush administration as the country gears up for the 2008 elections. A successful override will force more Republicans to break with Bush, and instead stand with the 72% of people who support spending $35 million for children’s health care, including 61% of Republicans.

In addition, members of Congress should hear from their constituents that the five year waiting period for new legal children to be covered is inhuman and punitive and should be removed. Support for the expansion of SCHIP is part of the overwhelming support in the country for universal health care, and the growing endorsements of HR 676 which would improve and expand Medicare to cover everyone.

The veto of SCHIP dramatizes the deep harm that past and continued funding of the war and occupation of Iraq is having on our country. The message must be delivered to members of Congress to stop representing the interests of the military industrial complex and the pharmaceuticals and insurance companies, and instead stand with the majority in our country demanding a change in spending priorities now.

This is the time to draw the line and break through the blockage by the Bush administration. Contact your member of Congress at their home and Washington DC offices. Enough is enough.

Si Se Puede.

From Communist Party USA